International Coffee Day

by | জানু. 11, 2023 | Uncategorized

Traditional Khichuri hobe

“As long as there is coffee in the world, how can things go wrong?”- This is not just a statement but it is a feeling for people who love coffee. Every year, people across the world celebrate ‘International Coffee Day’ on October 1. For many people coffee is not just a beverage, it expresses their minds and soul. There are millions of people who cannot think of their day without having a cup of coffee. They kick start their days with the bittersweet smell of coffee. On International Coffee Day, the world comes together to celebrate and recognize the people from farmers to coffee shop owners and millions of people who are associated consecutively with the coffee industry. 

The first International Coffee Day was launched in Milan on October 1, the year 2015. The significance of this day is to celebrate and promote coffee as a beverage. This day is also used to promote the fair traders of coffee and raise awareness among coffee growers. Many businesses whether it’s big or small offer free or discounted cups of coffee. People, who live and love coffee, enjoy this very day to the fullest. Though coffee is always special to every coffee lover this day is special in itself. 

A hot cup of coffee

The best way to celebrate International Coffee Day is to have a great cup of coffee, for sure! There are many different types of coffee to have. There are different types of coffee to grab from such as lattes, Black Coffee, Decaf, Robusta, Arabica, Cappuccino, Macchiato, Americano, Espresso, Flat White, Mocha Latte, Red Eye, Cold Brew and whatnot. They are very rich in taste. Besides, to celebrate this special day one can arrange an event to let other people know about the benefits of coffee across the country. 

The taste of coffee is amazing as it works as a beverage of energy booster. For this reason, we tend to have a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. Coffee can burn fat as it helps to increase the metabolic rate of a human. It has a number of natural nutrients as well. After a tiring day, a cup of coffee helps to regenerate the physical performance of a human being. It has other essentials like niacin, magnesium, riboflavin etc. So, a cup of coffee can add a great source of antioxidants to our regular life. 

Fresh coffee beans

People of a modern society absolutely love coffee and millions of cups are consumed worldwide every hour. In any corporate event or a date or hang-out with friends, there can never be a perfect beverage than coffee. The smell of coffee itself attracts everyone to fall in love with it. The uses and benefits of coffee made people realize the importance of coffee. There is a lot more to know about coffee and other features, thus International Coffee Day presents the perfect opportunity to make the most of it. 

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