The Tale of Fruit Cake

by | Jan 19, 2023 | Blog

Traditional Khichuri hobe

A traditional cake that is loved by everyone; Fruitcake

It is said that during the Roman Empire, fruit cake was first made. As the forces needed more energy to conquer the world, they needed long-lasting and durable food which would provide them with quick energy. The Roman cooks began to make fruit cakes using different types of pine nuts, raisins, pomegranate that were mixed with stale bread back then. They used to mash them together to get that brick-like food which is suitable for carrying during travel. All the ingredients were mixed together and cooked slowly to make the concoction.

The journey of fruit cake started in England. In the 17th century, the fruit cake made its way throughout Europe and the British Isles into marriage ceremonies, celebrations and many religious events. Even in the 20th century, fruitcake is still recognized for its simplicity. Do you know at the royal wedding of Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton, the couple chose a traditional fruitcake as well? 

Fruit cake has different variations. The variations are changing day by day. It is the amalgam of fruits, nuts and rich enough bread to hold all of them together. It is packed full of calories, healthful carbs and beneficial fats for long-lasting energy. Even the Christian armies had fruitcakes during the Crusades. 

The Swiss Colony has been making fruitcakes since the 19th century and this process is being continued till now to make a soft, tasty and energetic fruitcake. Today, more than 70% of fruitcakes are made from dried fruits and nuts; the fruits include dried papaya, grapes, pineapple and walnut. These ingredients are formulated together with a buttery-rich batter and baked to a dark-rich cake. More dried fruits and nuts are spread on top for better flavour. While producing mass fruitcakes, they remain untouched and baked with premium ingredients by automated machines. 

People feed fruitcakes with lots of affection and love, as it has a density of pure and natural ingredients. Wait, what? Is this something that should be cherished? Well yes, it is. Fruitcake is the best companion for breakfast when people find comfort eating this food individually. It stays fresh for the longest time if refrigerated. 

Generally, people buy cakes to be eaten anywhere and anytime. It is considered to be a hassle-free food. In Bangladesh, fruitcakes are common while travelling. Bengali people do not think of any other options for having fruitcakes as breakfast. Tea and fruitcakes go pretty well together. In one sentence, they are perfect for each other. There is no age limitation to liking this food. Both Adults and children are fond of fruitcakes as it is handy and can be eaten right out of the package. In our country, we also welcome our guests while serving fruitcakes, even in the weddings. 

Cakes are not only for celebration, but they are like a tradition. Cutting a cake to celebrate any kind of an occasion is the most important ritual in most countries nowadays. Even in the age of cholesterol consciousness and health concerns, the fruitcake has a magnificent future. A diet is to be broken for fruitcakes. The complex blend of spices, fruits and nuts of this cake is more appealing to people around the world. 

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