Lunch with Heavy Meal

by | Jan 9, 2023 | Blog

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Good lunch, good health

Lunch is the main part of the day. All of your energy levels depend on food. Healthy and nutritional foods are necessary to intake. But If people intake heavy meals in the middle of the day it will give them energy but need to ensure burn extra calories from the food they consume.

Heavy meal at the lunch will help to get more energy. To maintain a healthy habit we need to maintain a balanced food circle the whole day with healthy food. Heavy breakfast, lunch and light dinner is perfect for your body. But many carbs, extra fat, sweets, oily and junk foods should be avoided.

Unhealthy food habits may cause cholesterol, blood sugar, high blood pressure, obesity, kidney diseases, heart failure and more life-threatening disease. 

Your meal would depend on your movements, activities and workout, When you eat heavy food with proper workout it will be a healthy habit. As metabolism rate, calorie burning rate becomes slower at night, need to avoid heavy food at dinner. Otherwise, please keep the meal to a moderate amount of food. Heavy lunch will help to intake light dinner. After lunch rest of the day you have much time to burn your extra calories. Heavy protein and healthy food habits will make you fit and strong. Which time you eat is as important as how much you eat. There is a theory ‘Breakfast is like a king, lunch is like a prince and dinner is like a pauper’.

Rice or plain bread, fish or meat, egg, vegetables and pulse all are the healthy menus for your lunch. Extra carbohydrates and protein, cheese, oily rice you can take at lunch time. But please always check your intake capacity. Don’t take more than your capacity, otherwise, you will feel uncomfortable and that will lead to sleep disturbance, belching, acid reflux with burning and digestive problems which will make you sick.

Fresh fruits like watermelon, orange, strawberry, guava and apple all are very helpful to reduce your body weight. Add different fresh vegetables like, carrots, bitter gourd, brinjal, peas, bottle gourd, green leaves, tomatoes, cucumber, lady finger, cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, etc. will help you to reduce your blood cholesterol and to reduce your body weight.

According to the details discussion and food amount and food intake time, heavy lunches are allowed but according to your lifestyle. With healthy food elements enjoy your healthy food in a proper way and make yourself happy.

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