Food: The safer, The healthier

by | Jan 19, 2023 | Blog

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Consuming safe food is important

A healthy body and a healthy mind are the sources of all happiness and beauty. This nourishing body and healthy mind demand safe food in words – ‘healthy food, healthy life. There was a time when people didn’t need to think about healthy food or safe food. But now, before eating any food, we have to think twice about whether the food is healthy or safe. Now, safe food is the talk of the time all over the world. By healthy or safe food, we mean food that is not harmful to the body, but is healthy or safe food that helps the body grow, heal and prevent disease. At present, proper food is becoming rare. We are facing a massive amount of impurity in the food sector throughout the country and beyond. Public life is in danger due to adulterated food. It is surprising that the news of adulteration in medicine to save the lives of people also terrorizes public life. 

Doctors are used to suggesting different kinds of foods for post-medical recovery. Due to the food adulteration, they are bound to mention the food source and keep purifying to find and take organic food. Impurity of all kinds of food, starting from baby food, seems to be a widespread occurrence nowadays. Sometimes the news of various types of adulterated food factories can be seen on the pages of newspapers. Goods were seized. But sadly, after a few days, it starts again. As a result, the spread of harmful food is increasing day by day.

People are lost in fear of impurity in all kinds of food, starting from daily necessities. Even the vegetables and fish in the market are also not safe. Due to this contaminated food, conscious people are being excluded from their food list today. Once upon a time, people’s nutritional needs were met from different types of food, including many local fruits, but today those foods are also adulterated. 

Worldwide, more than 60 million people are exposed to the adverse effects of adulterated food. Around the world, more than four lakh people are dying of various diseases every day in response to degraded food. Bangladesh ranks among the top South Asian countries in the production and supply of adulterated food. According to the food laboratory of Mohakhali Public Health Institute, 54% of the food in the country is degraded, and it is harmful to the human body. We are constantly consuming this dangerous food. As a result, people are being affected by various diseases. 

According to the research of save the Environment Movement, as a result of consuming adulterated food, about three lakh people are getting cancer every year. Nine and a half lakh people are getting diabetes, and the number of kidney diseases is two lakh.

There are also various types of human diseases. If the results from adulterated food continue to increase, that will not be a piece of good news for the human race. So, this is high time we took action against these culprits. 

The country enacted a law in 2013 to provide safe food. The Safe Food Authority was formed in 2015. Safe food courts have been established in every district and divisional city of the country. Various government and non-government organizations are working to make people aware of the need to ensure safe food. SMS are being spread to comply with the Safe Food Act, but contaminated food supply seems to rise. A group of unscrupulous traders are degrading all kinds of food, including baby food, hoping to make extra profit, which is a matter of panic. If this continues, then the everyday life of the people will be miserable. That is why the anti-adulteration campaign needs to be tightened. People need to be aware and build social movements. The Special Powers Act of 1974 provides for the maximum penalty of the sale of adulterated food in food and the provision of 14 years imprisonment. Proper enforcement of these laws is essential. People especially need safe food to stay healthy.

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