7 Plating Tips to surprise the table

by | Jan 9, 2023 | Blog

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Plate decoration idea

Tips for plate art

1. Opt for white dinnerware
During plating, the plate works like a painting, which can be painted with food. This will have to be elegant to contrast with the different delicacies. Let us propose any piece of Costa Verde in white. Opting for a bit of this color will allow you to create a canvas where you can experiment with all its art and magic.

2. Use simplicity
Another constructive tip is to follow the old maxim less is more. The idea conceived by Leonardo da Vinci that “simplicity is the ultimate degree of sophistication” goes hand in hand with what we stand for at Costa Verde.

3. Highlight a food
Remember that less is more, and choose a unique ingredient to highlight your plate. It could be meat, pasta, fish or just a vegetable. Use the remaining ingredients to decorate, to create magic and art! This will focus your attention on the main element.

4. Play with the different colors and textures
Because we are talking about art, turn to colors, as well as food with textures. Allow yourself to travel in the world of sensations. A meal in which there is a special treatment with the plating aims to much more than satisfy a need of the well-known Maslow pyramid. It is also a social moment in which people are open to new experiences.

5. Pay attention to the quantity
It is important to make sure you have the amount of food you need on your plate. This old variable is often neglected when we are talking about the so-called signature cuisine or in a more refined plating. Finding the ideal size is not easy. Always keep in mind the people you are going to serve.

6. Offer balanced meals
Make a plate with the proteins, carbohydrates, and vegetables necessary for a balanced meal.

7. The final touch
Finally, present the clean plate, removing any crumbs and remains of sauces that may spill during plating. These items will certainly be out of tune on your plate.

If your goal is to create a good plate with your delicacies, do not forget the most important rule: Have fun in the kitchen, with art and magic!

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