Daler Bora

Daler Bora

Lentil is one of the most essential elements of our kitchen. Making our favorite ‘Daaler Bora’ won’t be possible without lentils. It is known as favorite snack or side dish of almost every Bengali person. A piece of crispy Daaler Bora can be a part of their meal as...
Interesting facts about Water

Interesting facts about Water

Drinking warm water can help in the process of fat burning of your body. 70% of the human brain is water. Hot water freezes faster than cold water in some circumstances. 20 gallons of water is needed to create one pint of beer. A jellyfish and a cucumber are each 95%...
Interesting facts about Onion

Interesting facts about Onion

Because of the onion’s circular layers, Ancient Egyptians used to believe as a symbol of eternal life. To get thinner hair and to get rid of hair fall, onion juice could be a solution. Onions can make you cry, increase the taste of food and provides lots of...
Royal Spice Restaurant

Royal Spice Restaurant

Sometimes we become bored by following the monotonous food cycle we have. We feel like breaking the cycle for at least a day. That is why we choose a different restaurant which has various food items with an elegant environment where you can enjoy your food in a...
Dinebd Annual Event 2022

Dinebd Annual Event 2022

‘Dinebd’ is a name of an online restaurant directory platform, where one can find every detail of restaurants in Bangladesh. The journey started with a small dream and it’s been almost one and a half years of nourishing this dream. The CEO and the founder...
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