The Great Indian Kitchen

The Great Indian Kitchen

In the 6th century B.C., Sumangalamata, the wife of an umbrella maker, mother of Sumangala, left her family to become Theri, a Buddhist nun. This is a poem that she wrote while she was experiencing the sweet taste of liberation. A woman well set free! How free am I...
How to start practising Veganism

How to start practising Veganism

Veganism is a very common food trend nowadays and more who decide to remove any products of animal origin from their diet, giving up the omnivorous character that has traditionally had the human being. A current that goes beyond food, with a dimension that is related...
World Vegan Day

World Vegan Day

World Vegan Day was created as a way for vegans from across the world to celebrate their lifestyle, meet other like-minded people and share their experiences. For many people, World Vegan Day is a day to commemorate and celebrate their commitment to living the vegan...
Vegan Meat

Vegan Meat

Vegetable meat (vegan): what it is and how it substitutes animal meat Vegetable meat or vegan meat is a food of plant origin that, due to its protein content and texture, is used to replace animal meat in vegan and vegetarian diets. There are several types of...
Benefits of Being Vegan

Benefits of Being Vegan

The decision to be vegan is usually motivated by a rejection of the use of animals. However, veganism is not only beneficial for animals, since they are no longer consumed and/or used but there are also positive effects for people and the planet. There are many doubts...
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