Food Cart: A Moving Food Shop

Food Cart: A Moving Food Shop

The operational costs of any business play an important role for business. Reducing these costs as much as possible, the maintaining quality will improve the profit margin of the business. By reducing these costs, it is possible to give more benefits to the buyer at a...
Food Business Yearbook 2021

Food Business Yearbook 2021

Throughout the year 2021, like other sectors of the economy, the food business of Bangladesh has seen various ups and downs. The beginning of this year, however, began to show a glimmer of hope after overcoming last year’s Corona crisis; but since the beginning...
Food Delivery: Your food is on the way, sir!

Food Delivery: Your food is on the way, sir!

Who doesn’t love to eat? And if it’s from your favourite restaurant, then there is no point to ask this question. But the problem arises when you have to live a super busy life with no time left to go to a restaurant. Or maybe you’re enjoying your lazy...
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