Strawberry Milkshake

by | Jan 11, 2023 | Recipe

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Strawberry milkshake is mainly the storehouse of protein and vitamin C. It mainly consists of milk and Strawberry, which plays a perfect role in this shake. There are many recipes that we can follow for this shake. But we need a healthy and easiest recipe to have this anytime. The following method can be effortless to try this refreshing & vitamin-C-rich recipe in your house. 


(i) strawberry

(ii) Milk/ Almond milk/ Cashew milk/ Soya milk or any kind of milk

(iii) yoghurt/ Greek yoghurt (if u want)

(iv) Banana

(v) Honey /maple syrup/ dates

A glass of strawberry milkshake


Start by cutting bananas into chunks and put them in a Ziploc bag in the freezer for at least one hour. Once the bananas are frozen, put them in a blender with strawberries & any kind of milk or plain yogurt. You also can use Almond milk, Cashew milk, Soya milk, Greek yoghurt, or other types of milk you prefer. This healthy milkshake is thick, creamy, and naturally sweetened. But we can use honey or dates (it’s naturally sweet, moist, juicy and have a distinct caramel flavour) to sweeten. Then mix or blend for almost 45 seconds until it’s creamy and ready to serve properly. 

Your ready milkshake is now very light and healthy as it has no sugar, no ice cream (Frozen banana and strawberries make it frothy enough that there wouldn’t be any need to use ice cream), and lots of fruits. This strawberry milkshake recipe is nutritious enough to serve for your breakfast.

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